Posh Programming

auctaque forma fuga est

Puzzles and simple casual games

for iPhone and iPad (link to App Store developer's page)

for Android mobile phones ( links will be here )


01/05/2024 - beta versions, testing, order to launch: 

1/30/2024 - Touch PRO 1.0 sent for review, 02/02/2024 - "need more time", 2/24/2024 - Accepted. $0.99 on App Store. #37 in chart "music" on 2/25/2024. 2/25/2024 - Touch Green 1.0 sent for review. FREE on App Store. 2/26/2024 approved. Version 1.1 issued the same day (fixed privacy policy URL), replacing version 1.0. No external ad, only FREE Touch Green encourages players, who reach 100 points, to download for $0.99 Touch PRO. 

2/08/2024 - Slide Tiles "8 (with goal choice)" 1.0 sent for review, 2/19/2024 - Accepted (The first accepted app). $0.99 on App Store. 3/22/2024 - "8 (with goal)" removed from 27 EU countries (to keep "non-trader" status). 8/22/2024 "24 (w goal)" sent for review. Rejected next day ("spam" - ??).

3/6/2024 - Touch CT (draft name "X-ray puzzle 5x5) 1.0 approved. 3/12/2024 version 2.0 Ad Mob banner on top. FREE in 175 countries. 5/10/2024 ver 2.1 with new icon (similar to CT Kids icon), lower level of AdMob config. "Touch" became some kind of trademark ("X-ray" in many variations are not available). 

4/3/2024 - Fox board 2.0 appeared on App Store. FREE. AdMob banner on bottom in Foxdoku and full-page "interstitial" between the games (when "win" message appeared). No ad at "Exit", since player in a hurry. 4/5/2024 v 2.2 (small design improvement: mark in Classic now "-" a la Fox-on-Paper; no interstitial). 5/14/2024 v 2.3 (Fox-on-Paper now has Undo in 'primary' grid; return AdMod interstitial after win -  now with controlled frequency). 8/27/2024 v 2.4 (no full-page ad: sometimes, when no internet, gray page blocks the game + minor bug fix: counting hidden foxes in Classic). 

5/9/2024 - CT Kids on App Store. FREE with AdMob ("appropriate for kids") on top banner: Intro, Puzzle, Answer/Win!. 4x4 board with just two projections (no rotation). Spin-off of Touch CT (2 projections instead of 4, 4x4 instead of 5x5).

5/27/2024 - Kids Num (classified as "educational program", teach 4 numbers in 2 forms on 3 languages). $1.99 On App Store 5/27/2024 (DOWNLOAD HERE). Another spin-off of Touch CT, furthermore: of CT Kids (4x4 in portrait or landscape, touch-speaks, shows Arabic/Roman numerals; tests periodically). 

6/13/2024 - Chess CT 4x4 to 10x10 boards. $2.99 (no ad). 10/17/2024 - v.1.1 w AdMob FREE. DOWNLOAD HERE

10/24/2024 - android developer program. 11/12/2024. Touch CT has been ported, v 1.0 on "internal" testing (then "closed", finally "open" will come...)

Puzzles and simple casual games